Can Taking Care of your Teeth Prevent Heart Disease 

If you’re looking to improve your overall health and wellness, you might want to start to take care of your teeth. Prioritizing dental hygiene does impact your overall health and wellness. 

While preventable, heart disease is the top cause of death in the US. But, when you reduce your risk factors associated with heart disease and oral health, you’ll be able to have a better, healthier life. 

Bacteria does travel through various blood vessels, infecting different areas of your body. When gum disease does occur in the mouth, harmful bacteria travels to different parts of the body. It causes inflammation, including in the heart.   

This leads to: 

  • Stroke 
  • Heart disease 
  • High blood pressure 

So yes, if you don’t take care of your mouth, it can cause other problems in the body.   Your heart is a muscle, and prevention of issues is incredibly important. 

Foods that Support Heart and Oral Health 

Eating right and physical activity on a regular basis are two key components of healthy lifestyles. Focusing one’s diet on foods that are important for oral and heart health does prevent serious problems from happening. When unhealthy foods that are high in fat and sugar are eaten, it causes the bacteria to grow. It’s also not good overall.  

You want to eat foods that’ll promote oral health as much as you can. 

These include: 

  • Leafy greens to lower your blood sugar and improve saliva 
  • Almonds, as they’re high in calcium, and also lower in sugar 
  • Fiber-rich veggies and fruits that reduce diabetes and obesity, while also strengthening the gums and teeth 
  • Salmon, as there are a lot of omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin D. this naturally prevents gum disease, tooth decay, and also heart disease overall. 

Supporting National Heart Month 

National heart month is a great chance to start talking about heart health. Most people don’t, but the thing is, if you’re not careful it can kill you. 

Here are a few things that you can do to ensure that you’re taking care of your heart, and getting involved: 

  • Inspire your loved ones to start taking care of their heart health. 
  • Encourage other people to wear red during the first Friday of February 
  • Volunteer at heart months and plan events to ensure that you’re letting others know about the importance of heart health 
  • Share heart-healthy recipes with your friends 
  • Engage with your social media profile by adding Heart Month facts 
  • Learn CPS and other life-saving skills 

While you should always take care of your oral health, you also want your overall health in place. Various complications through heart disease are incredibly preventable.  It’s important to be informed of the different impacts of this and start to make healthy lifestyle changes so you can have a healthy, happy life with a healthy heart. 

If you have issues with heart disease, or gum disease, talk to medical or dental professionals that’ll help you develop a solution to take care of the problems that you might have. 

Overall, your heart is a muscle that you don’t want to completely ignore. Doing so causes major problems down the line, especially for your overall health and wellness.  Take it upon yourself to take care of your heart, and other parts of the body.   You’ll be happy with the different impacts that this has on your overall health and wellness too!